Friday, June 07, 2019

Legend Dary

I don't know what the fuck is going on with Blogger but all of a sudden my icons for my memes are no longer in order as I put them..I do #1's are political..#2's are funny, #3 are my stuff on birthdays anniversary's and goofy shit.the rest are family photos that I don't want to wade thru to get to my there is no fucking rhyme or reason to any of motherfucker..ok..if it's sort of haphazard it's because I have no patience for this I'm just cleaning out everything and maybe when I put new stuff up it will be back in order..and then again maybe I'll wake up with perky tits Monday morning too..fiddle fuck.


  1. The little old lady with more military experience than Trump -- right on! "I'd say piss off but I hear you like that sort of thing" -- hahahahahaha! And here's to perky tits on Monday!

  2. I keep wondering when America is going to wake up.
    The one about smoking weed and rescuing abandoned dogs made me LOL.
    Have a good weekend.


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