Monday, July 29, 2019

That's what I appreciates abouts youse


  1. And good morning to you, Jackie Sue. Happy Monday!

    I am praying for a headline in the Baltimore Sun, or the Washington Post, or the New York Times. Or maybe Nancy Pelosi can tweet it. We have to get the word out. JARED KUSHNER IS A SLUMLORD IN BALTIMORE.

    And now I've changed my mind. I don't want Trump impeached. If he is tried by the Senate, where he will be found innocent, that ruins the odds of successfully charging him with crimes after he has left office. So let's bide our time and get the fucker the minute his fat feet hit the pavement as a private citizen.

  2. Good morning, Jackie Sue. Again thanks for this blog. My blood pressure was so high my Dr. recommended I get off social media. Your posts make me laugh and reminds me there are like-minded people out there. Vivian Swift, I think you are right, that would be very satisfying.

  3. Happy Monday, Jackie Sue! Thanks again for making the world a little brighter! Have a great week!

  4. Thank you ladies..I appreciate it very much..I'm with impeachment..unless we can actually make it stick..which I don't think the republicans will give up their chance to make some more millions and vote to bad we can't just fire his orange ass..sigh*..thanks for letting me know it's not just me..

  5. YDG,

    Google has prevented spiders from crawling my anti-trump blog. Feel free to re-blog my articles.


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