Friday, August 16, 2019

Good morning Anne J...


  1. Absolutely fabulous, Jackie Sue! Especially the wedding vows--so true! My husband just declared that I hid the remote, although he was the one watching TV. It was on the coffee table right in front of him!!

  2. That Texas heat and humidity would just kill me. I don't know how you do it, but I guess it's whatever you get acclimatized to.

    Great lineup of LOLs this morning, thanks!

  3. I send the best of cool wishes to you. Here in Maine it is 76 degrees and nights in the sixties. Every time I see the weather and the heat covering Texas I think of you. Stay cool - it will pass.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. Why, there was a lot of sweetness in here today. Not for the shit stains serving in congress or for the pustule sitting in the White House, but for your readers. I hope what you've posted is true, that hard times and stupid presidents come and go, but the spirit of good people will overcome.

    I hope.

  5. My daughter has been married a month and already agrees with looking for his stuff.

  6. Valarie..I always laughed at Roseanne's feelings that husbands think the women have radar in their womb and it can seek out and find shit..
    August in Texas is literally hotter than hell..sigh*
    Ol'buzzard.I'm just waiting for Nov..pretty much guaranteed that it will be cool by then..
    Vivian..some times I see things (sweet things) that I want to post cause we all need something sweet in these trying times. thanks for noticing.
    Blog Fodder..tell her to nip it in the bud..haha

  7. ...Pretty bummed out today. Liss has decided to hang up her spurs. I completely understand why, and wish her nothing but the best, but hers was one of the few places left on the IntarWebnetubes I liked to interact with.


  8. On shitty days, you sometimes make my day. Today was one of 'em.

    1. I'm sorry you're having a shitty day..but glad I could help make it less shity.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to