Friday, August 23, 2019

Howdy Vivian

 this just made me smile..and feel good..we all need that.


  1. Hi Jackie Sue!

    So, when Trump said that he'd bring only "the best people" to Washington to drain the swamp, did he mean soap opera stars and the desperately asymmetrical offspring of bat shit crazy southern politicians? Yes. Yes, he did.

    All my life I've lived with a sense of impending doom, which I thought was an immature response to my own mortality, but now I see that it was all about this presidency. This is the dire situation that I have dreaded for about 55 years.

    Thanks for making this insanity a tiny bit more bearable.Let's h and in here, and VOTE.

  2. Voting for the Antichrist -- yeah, that sounds about right. Hahahahaha, "a foot of sun" -- I like that one! Also 8DX 247, LOL!

  3. The gopher made me go "Aw!" and the license plate is awesome. I'm stealing the "Fuck everyone" one. But the pink assault rifle is just plain horrifying.

  4. Vivian if we don't get him out..I fear not just for the country but for the world.
    debra..a foot of sun was funny..
    Alison I too went aaaawww when I saw that picture..sooo cute

  5. Loved all of these, Jackiesue. Thanks again for bringing all together in one spot. It's a great way to start the weekend.

  6. I am still not sure what the theme is here.

  7. A great list and a sad one too. The notion that some people who voted for Trump did not do so because they loved everything about him may be true but they still voted for Trump, knowing what he is.

  8. thank you very much mr shife..I appreciate it.
    Powdered toast man.well lets see..mostly trump and his supporters are a bunch of fucking idiots and evil to boot..and just to keep you sane..a little humor or sweet shit is tossed in to ease the burn..hmm. should I have a theme.? like a wedding? or a birthday party? I think the title of the blog should pretty much say it all..
    but thanks for stopping by and saying howdy..stick around we have fun.oh yes..and I toss in pictures and updates on my great grandkids because even yellowdog granny has to show off the kids..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to