Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Big shoots...


  1. "The raging stupids" -- yup, Trumps got it bad! I hope Trump gets one of those stripey t-shirts too. "Bless his heart!"

  2. Trumps parents --- really? At least we know where he got is hair style from!

  3. I like the Willie Nelson one. I'm in Oregon it's legal here.

  4. Debra, in Texas if a woman says to another women 'bless your heart' that means you stupid bitch..or there abouts..ha..I've been watching the's one person after another throwing someone else under the bus, some times more than one..
    Pam they're some of the butt ugliest people I've ever seen..only one half way decent is Ivanka and she had all kinds of surgery..
    Jono..I sent that to Jamie cause we know someone that smokes Newports.
    Whimsy2...I don't think Willie cares if it's legal or not..he's gotten busted at least twice as far as I can remember..

  5. I missed your post yesterday because I was busy listening to Sondland and getting high off the sweet smell of the smoking gun.

    And then healthy me decided to let us run out of vodka. Celebrating with diet ginger ale just sucks.

  6. I was watching it to Vivian..and enjoying every moment of it.yeah, but I've found that the morning after with diet ginger ale celebrating..I can remember what I was celebrating.

  7. Oh boy another week and another week of the shit machine that is #45. I will be glad when this is all over and the news can complain about the president wearing the wrong colored suit.

  8. That Cinderella is feistier than I remember.


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