Wednesday, December 11, 2019

I needs me a nap


  1. Trump the everlasting, surviving cockroach -- too true! And so, unfortunately, is that wrecking ball political cartoon.

    And oh my, the dead Italian chef meme -- SO MANY PUNS! Have stolen it, of course. Thanks!

  2. Happy Hump Day, Ms Jackie Sue! Hope the rest of your week is fabulous!

  3. I like the unemployment joke. Never heard that one before.

  4. He is a cockroach too Debra..the puns are always for you..
    Valerie...If I can make it till first of the year? I got it made.
    well toast man..I like that..

  5. I love the idea that karma is a lady with style who takes her time to look her best before she rakes you over the coals. I'd watch that Tv show.

  6. Vivian..anything about karma to me is always funny.


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