Wednesday, January 15, 2020

humity doo dah, humity oh my what a wonderful ...yeah, fuck it

 we are having Adamson reunion at VFW Saturday..I am on for making 2 batches of cake-balls and 2 cheesecakes..and will have to do this Thursday and hoping I will be here Friday but if not, you will know I'll be dipping my balls and kisses y'all..

 selling our fucking fuck.


  1. Ha-ha--hold my beer! Great one! Hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy your reunion.

  2. That Hold my beer meme made me laugh. But if you really think about it, the royal family brought it upon themselves. They are as racist as the KKK in the deep south of the U.S. In fact, all of Britain is like that.

  3. I like the "angel losing his lunch" bumper sticker. And *sigh* all those memes about the current stupidity in Iran and the Middle East are true.

    Have fun dipping those balls, Jackiesue!

  4. Luck Be In The Air Tonight! Bwahahahahahahaha!!


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