Wednesday, April 01, 2020

if you have unprotected sex..douche with hand sanitizer .


  1. Weee-doggie! That was great! I saw one today--"If Trump's brain was lard, there wouldn't be enough to grease a pan."

    Stay safe and healthy, Jackie Sue!

  2. My wife can't catch a chicken, but I think I will stick with her.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. "Blursday the fortyteenth of Maprilay" -- that's right! It's funny how quickly we lose track of dates when staying home. But stay home we must! Have a good day, Jackiesue.

  4. That photo of Obama and Christy? Christy used it in his re-election campaign.

  5. Thanks for the laughs today. Much needed and much appreciated.


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