Saturday, June 27, 2020

just 'cause I fecking love ya

 eloquent as always our Robert.


  1. Actually, we do put up statues of rats ; there are some in Hameln, the town of Pied Piper fame...

  2. "Consumption masked as purpose" -- that's exactly right. Just stay home!

    I like the one about statues of Jesus and also the Whitey House too!

    Thanks for the extra Saturday treat, Jackiesue! Stay safe!

  3. Oh, there's some "hoots" here!
    The ice cream...SO true! Stuff of Summer memories.
    The "hair" & " NO" sign (want it)
    Shirt regarding women drumpf supporters (will wear it)
    The key to happiness ( got it)
    I will ignore you so hard...(do it)
    It's "Ja-eet"? here in Ohio😄
    Thanks for the treats..and hoots,Jackiesue, but how do I "unsee" that statue of mitch & donnie?
    Stay cool and safe.

  4. thank you ladies and old phat stu...didn't know about the rats..dang..

    My apartment is clean...sooo clean..I am soooo tired...but it's clean..

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