Tuesday, June 02, 2020


 Who knew I would ever actually agree with this bitch.

 I'm going to stop posting memes showing him to be a baby..he's not..he's a demented old crazy man..


 the first time I saw one I picked it up and zeroed in on a guy standing by me and said.'ah ha..there's one now.'...think he's still laughing.

yes..it certainly was me..and not afraid to admit it..well, except for that one time that I ....er, never mind.


  1. I'm going to savour these posts one at a time, Jackiesue! Let them linger and roll around my tongue like a fine wine!

    Wisconsin exchanging cheese hats for covid hats -- too true. And "this man is missing all three" -- you're right, Dorothy!

  2. I think that's the best way..but there were so maaaaany..i thought i'd just throw them all out there..savor away.


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