Monday, July 06, 2020


 Jamie, Tyler and the Little Prince, and his grapes.
 that boy loves him some grapes.
 Daniel and Tyler put the girls on their shoulders and they had a water fight, it was hysterical.

Thom and Daniel..Thom's so goofy. 
 Abby's goggles make her look so silly, but she's a swimming mermaid..she was diving and picking stuff off the bottom..swimming width of pool underwater..she had to be hauled out at end of the day. Olivia is not pleased that Abby is a better swimmer than she is..When her mother told her she knew she could swim better than she was doing, Olivia said I hate to swim, the only reason I swim is because you said you'd spank me if I didn't. great motivator..haha
Daniel made pork ribs, Thom made beef ribs and chicken breasts..also had potato salad, macaroni salad, jalapeno poppers (which were fantastic) cole slaw, Thom's world famous beans and my white chocolate lemon truffles..omg they were so tubs of fruit..
 my beautiful granddaughters.and their boobs.
 Me and the Little Prince, who had to have eaten 40 grapes. Then he was feeding them to everyone..but for every one he gave out, he ate 3..damn, my hair is turning grayer and grayer every day.

 Thom was so pleased with himself..
                          GG, Dylan and Nana..I had to threaten to beat her with a stick to sit down and quit waiting on us..


  1. Now THAT'S the way to celebrate! I can smell the ribs, the fruit and chlorine...SUMMER. What a beautiful family you have. Nice to see The Prince and his court so happy. You must be so're all obviously filled with love. Would have enjoyed some of those grapes. Could almost feel the splashes in those pictures!

    Haven't seen my stylist since March. To gray, or NOT to gray...still thinking about it. My son told me this is the longest he's seen my hair in years(>20). He was wise enough not to mention the gray. I didn't raise any fools.

    Thanks for sharing,JackieSue. Now about those white chocolate lemon truffles...

    With you this week❤️

  2. Sounds like y'all had a fandamntastic 4th. I miss having a pool. Don't have the room for it here.

  3. I am going to post the recipe for the white chocolate lemon truffles, they were just so good..
    thom and I both were talking saturday about how having all of the family around like we had that day couldn't be bought for any price...

  4. What a wonderful 4th of July party and such a feast! Grapes included!

  5. Great family, great party! So happy you had a wonderful Fourth!

  6. Family is wealth in my book, and you look like you had a swell time.

  7. it was a great time..we all loved the grapes..think they are called cotton candy green grapes.
    we have lots of love.


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