Tuesday, July 28, 2020

It's Tuesday, fuck you trump you fucking fuck


  1. Third monkey on oat's ark and it's starting to rain.

    Yep. that sounds about right for election season 2020.

  2. If you could find the zti picture taker, that's Betsy devoses brothers company. Private security hired for all occasions, he was implicated in the Russian scandle. Neat. They hire solders of fortune. Security guards of the rich.

  3. Ha ha, love the Fauci baseball meme! The Tom Hanks "teacher" one made me LOL too. And that final one!

  4. Vivian, isn't that perfect? scary shit..
    yep. I didn't even have to be told, I just put 2 and 2 together and figured that out..now we are like nazi Germany..we have our stormtroopers..ever think it would come to this?
    Debra, I like the header and the first 2...

  5. Time to organize the resistance. We'd bring down the whole repugnican party if we could change up netflix passwords en masse.

  6. OMG!! That last meme just killed me. I have to steal that for later. That's too good to pass up.

  7. It's all scary shit. Bravo to all those brave souls who stand up and protest against the injustice that runs rampant in this country. I believe if I lived in one of the areas that people were rising up I would be there with them. If I didn't have obligations here at home to take care of my 92 year old mother I think I would go and protest. I have no ties here. My children are grown. I'm not married. It's just me and I've marched before. I'll see what the future brings and then I'll dust off my protesting boots if I need to.

  8. It is kind of scary that Mitt Romney is the voice of reason in the Republican Party.

  9. valerie..if there were local protesting here I'd go...but this is Texas..we're still red..but if i had the money Id
    travel there in a heartbeat.
    Leanna I love that last one too..
    Mildred I have the grands and the greats, but no reason why I couldn't ship off and join them..well there is the money part of it..but I'd love to go..
    my shife, it's terrifying that Mitt is the only one making sense..fuckme..


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