Friday, July 24, 2020

well fuck y'all yellerdawgers..

             my son said they stole this from him...he's pissed.


  1. Oh, Thank you for today!!

    I love the one that puts a face on the Corona virus -- and it's Keith Richard.

  2. Well, JackieSue, are you bleeding yet? Hope you've gotten some snuggles. Simba settled?
    Lots of head shakers along with the smiles. The teeny tiny purse of patience...that's me after this week.
    The camo dude
    The "car that looks like a suspicious vampire" OMG
    Lower cognitive ability. Yup.
    I'd be pissed too. That 1972 underwear ad is SO funny...and SO true.

    This nonsense has GOT to stop. Something tragic is going to happen (besides the erosion of all our rights, souls and sanity). I was 17 in was not pretty. We just honored the 50th anniversary of Kent State here in Ohio. And take a look at the picture of the National Guard back then! NOT the swat teams we have now. Is that what it's going to take before someone stops this lunatic? He's killing us. If someone paid to have the United States destroyed (Putin), they couldn't do a better job.
    Teeny tiny purse...
    Thanks for the shout out for the press! We need them so much in these times.
    But the one that's going with me to be distributed throughout my world... Kieth Richards. Perfect. HE'S someone science should be studying😉
    Thanks for the sanity, JackieSue. Enjoy the kitties and stay in the AC.

  3. You made my day! Love the white supremacists. I always say, a mutant melanin gene does NOT make you supreme. Have a great weekend cuddling the kittehs!

    Suspicious stoned vampire!
    snort, snerk, giggle
    (Starts a COPD/Asthma coughing jag)
    "Still! can't breathe!

  5. I especially appreciated the one comparing wearing a seatbelt to mask wearing. The damn imbeciles who refuse to wear a mask should have to be the ones in lockdown.


  6. Pipe..we are in total agreement..lock them up..


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