Tuesday, August 25, 2020

fuck trump and his band of traitors..


  1. "There are a lot of assholes living here, but we are not called an Asshole Nation"

    Hmmmm, I wonder about that. . .

  2. Photos of my summer vacation, LOL! Exactly right. But my fave is the last one!

  3. I was watching Nikki Hayley being interviewed on Good Morning American. She was asked was Trump has done to stem racial injustice. She never could answer the question, just spewed out nonsense like they all do when cornered.

  4. That David Koch "over my dead body" was priceless.

  5. Yes to everything, made my day.

  6. That shit show is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big! Globally I'm sure we're known as the Asshole Nation. Good morning. Lots of good ones
    The "glutton for punishment " Laughed out loud! Speaking of demons, Stephen Miller will be cleaning toilets in the Ninth Circle of Hell. Mitch will be his assistant.
    Goodyear blimp 😂
    How ironic that Kellyanne has to leave because her 15 y o daughter is asking for emancipation from her parents. If only there had been SOMETHING Kellyanne could have done to prevent this mess. Maybe we could sic her daughter on Drumpf...she seems quite effective and about his emotional level, but she's got him on intelligence.
    "Man walks into a bar..." Perfect!
    Drumpf and pillow guy. If we could just get him to " latch on". That's perfect...ly disgusting, but worth a shot! Eeew but true.
    Thanks for the thoughts, JackieSue. I reposted you last night (came back for a meme) Glad to hear you had The Girls out. Good for another 100,000 miles! 🤗

  7. Five guys--LMFMO (laughing my fucking mask off). EXCELLENT selections!

  8. az guy..well we weren't until they elected him president.
    me too Debra..
    mxtodis..she's batshit.
    rjnerd..yeah, that's a keeper..haha
    anonymous..glad to hear that..keeps me churning them out every day.
    jerri, thanks so much..you really make me feel good .you are so detailed..you rock.

  9. Liked The Last Supper one. No, the Onion could not possibly make this stuff up


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