Monday, August 31, 2020

Monday blues..will be off rest of week..

babysitting the little prince for a week..figure he'll kick my ass enough that I won't feel like searching on facebook for memes..I'll probably be in a coma from 6 p.m. till 6 a.m. each day. He's a rocket. Chasing the cat, chasing the dog, me chasing him. Should be fun...for a week..

                                     wild mountain..sigh*


  1. Thanks Jackie Sue! Have a great week with the prince!

  2. Hahahaha, Jerry Falwell Jr, Mike Pense and Mother! Aliens faking the earth landing, LOL!

    May the Little Prince be in an uncharacteristically subdued mood this week so he doesn't wear you out! See you next week, Jackiesue!

  3. Will miss you, stay safe. Caren

  4. By all means, take care of you. Eat, well, rest well. You're going to need all the energy you can conserve in between the visit of the little prince.

  5. That poor rose garden went from lively to barren as her love life.

  6. thanks day down and I can barely stand up straight..It's going to be a long 5 days..he's a good boy, but ...he's a boy..yelling screaming, chasing the cat. chasing the dog..and grinning like a cheshire cat..

  7. As you stated:"That's what they do". And I know you're loving it! So is he❤️ The cats and dog...they'll sleep well too 😉
    Lots of good ones! "Lead a horticulture..." 😂 😂 😂
    The SQUIRREL ! I've seen that look as they wait for me to fill the feeders. Squirrels are awesome
    "... you may be entitled to condensation"
    All the Falwells. I remember his dad was huge in taking Jimmy Swaggart down. Very entertaining.
    "What people think Australia's like" 😝
    "Boone's Farm 1969" Blast from the past ✌️
    "Trump or God. Pick one" Please choose wisely.
    I would say it's halftime...but we don't know because the chimp-in-charge has decided to hide the numbers.
    Thanks, JackieSue . I know you're tired but tickled. They're so filled with life❤️ May the Force be with you.
    Harvest moon on Wednesday.
    That's me on the jet ski 😁😉 Banzai!

  8. Hope you survive your week with the prince. Take care and get some rest when you can.

  9. Keep on keeping on
    the Ol'Buzzard

  10. my ass is draggin'...2 days to go..I think what is harder is the drive to and from China's a 30 minute drive each way..which for someone who's longer drive is 4 miles round 1/2 of it is on I-35 which is crappy on most days but during the rain is a shit show..sigh*..2 more days..but boy am I having fun with the boy..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to