Friday, October 09, 2020

Fly's know shit..



  1. Happy Friday! I loved the Thanksgiving one--we're going to need a bigger turkey fryer.

  2. I love all the fly ones! And Liabetes, LOL! That Halloween decorations one hit a little too close to home, though.

    Thanks for the laffs today, Jackiesue!

  3. valerie..we're finally thru this shitty week..thank the we have to start gearing up for Monday..sigh*
    Debra, I think we'll see a lot more flies..

  4. The Last Supper was the best. That photo set of Stormy and Ivanka always makes me want to barf.

  5. Screaming raccoon here...
    "...he better carry them to term". EGGS-exactly! Perfect. I was thinking along those lines only...a brood of maggots heading for that left eye were involved.
    Yes, Sam(❤️), a VERY special kind of stupid.
    "Decades I've been alive in"
    "It's jumped species" πŸ˜‚ ......"Bwah ha ha ha ha" πŸ˜‰
    Mary Poppins πŸ˜‚
    BarrπŸ–• & McConnell πŸ–• πŸ—£πŸ‘
    "One Flu Over the Cuckoo's nest"
    "Heinous Anus...and terrifying clowns" We can add "diseased" now too.
    "Looks like karma and science have teamed up"
    "The Kama Sutra is a little more specific."
    ..." one of the fluffy fuckers wanders off..." πŸ˜‚
    " Me-I see you got roaches...." πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
    But all the good doggos with pink balloons❤️❤️❤️ It IS October...take those puppies in for a squeeze....then reward yourself with something nice.
    Well, JackieSue, I have everything but the's drying. May be an exciting weekend πŸ˜‰ Thanks for ending on a high note. Needed that 😱
    Happy Birthday, John Lennon. I'm still Imagining. ❤️ 🎸 ♎️ ✌️ ☮❤️

  6. A quick one that occurred to me when it was remarked that most favored daughter hadn't been seen in a week...

    Imagine one of those spot ads for upcoming tv show...

    "Be sure to tune in November 4th, for our post-election mini-series on HGTV's Celebrity House Hunters International: No Extradition Special"

  7. Trump couldn't even protect himself. How is he going to protect your family? Yup, the orange turd don't care about anyone. Hosting a rally tomorrow. Sick, sick, sick and even sicker are the idiots who go to the rally.

  8. So many good ones, Jackiesue. Thank you as always for sharing with us. Hope you are well and we are done with this asshole in a few weeks.

  9. blog's crazy and just sickening.
    Jerri..all I know is if I go to Hel for hoping Steven Miller croaks from the virus, I'll go happy.'re right and I noticed that ..and Jared and at least one of the dumbass brothers..think they are sick and don't want to be counted..and where's Barron?
    Mr Shife, many's a pleasure..most of the time.ha


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to