Thursday, October 08, 2020

pence is a pussy



  1. Driving someone batshit crazy? Yep, but they have to pay for the gas. Have a great day, Jackie Sue!

  2. 2020 buttplug, LOL! And oh, that wrecking ball of covid!

  3. valerie..that was perfect.
    I loved the buttplug one Debra..

  4. My eyes! eyes...! Drumpf ridin' the Covid wrecking ball! What a perfect depiction...right down to the socks and...are those "cha cha" shoes?
    Lots of good ones, JackieSue!
    2020 buttplug feels bout right😱 ( some pun intended)
    Riding with Middle Age Riot again.
    "Drumpf is not the victim...he's the drunk driver"
    " Can't fix stupid...can't quarantine it either"
    "Covita" πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
    " Clam before the storm" πŸ˜‚ πŸ™„ πŸ˜‚
    " Batshit crazy..." Sure can't top Valerie πŸ˜„
    Ok, let's talk about the debate. Kamala was AWESOME and had an outstanding showing against Pink-eye Pence with the canker sore and the fly stuck to his head. (OMG You can't make this stuff up) How apt. Flies are associated with satan, shit and rot. Yep.
    The fact that Joe jumped on Twitter selling flyswatters πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ 😎 All in all, a more entertaining evening than I anticipated. Proof once again, the Cosmos has a delightful sense of humor.
    The one that says it all:" ...con man doesn't have to be smart if his victims are stupid enough"?...and they lurch amongst us. That's how we got to this tragic and previously unimaginable place.
    And yes, the fact I'm considered an adult is terrifying...and hilarious. Laughing (maniacally) into the sunset...
    Thanks, JackieSue. "Fly Moment" released some of that head pressure. How bout yours?

  5. Jerri..I'm waiting for the deluge of fly memes


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