Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Hump this Trump



  1. Putting the Christ back in Christians--amen, sister! Hope your week is going well!

  2. I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at "See ya, fat boy" but I just couldn't help myself!

  3. Trump has always had a problem exaggerating size. And that was verified by Stormy Daniels.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. yeah,Valerie, makes me glad to be a pagan.
    Debra, oh it still makes me's my new shout out when I see a trump supporter.
    ol'buzzard..why do you think he assaults women and is such a mean individual? its that tiny dick.

  5. Godot made me laugh out loud. Perfecto!

    Thank you, Jackiesue, for being a little beam of sunshine in these dark days.

  6. As for knowing what to do with an uterus, there is some evidence that a possible long term effect of covid is er!ct!le dysfunction. You would think that would convince at least some of them to try to avoid the disease.

    As for the poking the door with a stick, I would personally use a mirror on a second stick, so I could keep my entire body out of the direct line of fire.

  7. az guy..that's the most terrifying part..all the ones that think he was the 'one'.
    thanks whimsy2..and yeah, that made me laugh.
    rjnerd...yea, no poking.


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