Thursday, November 05, 2020

one final gasp....fuuuuuuuuuck you trump



  1. When you pause the shit show to see if it is almost over, and find out you are only half way through.

  2. I sent the "truck flags" to all my super stressed friends, since it made me laugh out loud at my desk. Thank you for your continued sanity service!

    Closet Optimist

  3. All Votes Matter, yes! "Florida has been called for Al Gore" hahahahaha! FINALLY!

  4. truly and me and me.
    i think the salinity service is for me too
    closet optimist.
    Debra..yeah, that one made me spit dr pepper.
    anonymous..on facebook today I made a statement that I would be a gracious winner if biden won..but the first person that said jackshit to me about trump winning was getting punched in the face and would never speak to them again..and would do it with relish..

  5. Jackie Sue RE: your comment above: Can I hold them while you hit them? Please?

  6. Thanks for hanging in there, JackieSue. That's all we can do, is hang in there and take names.

  7. valerie...betchass..
    Vivian? that's all we can do..

  8. Coulda SWORN I cleaned the basement...


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