Wednesday, December 09, 2020

hump this cause I don't have the energy.



  1. "I need to stay 6 feet away from Mexcian Food." I love the enchiladas at my local "Little Mexico" so much that I keep a photograph of them on my desktop. When I feel sad, I click on it and voila: three enchiladas with refried beans and rice, and I'm happy.

  2. Many thank-you's for these morning laughs. Myself, I'm hoping the 'car insurance expiring' call will finally go to the head of the controller of telephones who will explode their phone thus ending the phone dialing computer!

  3. Ha ha, LOVE that cookie exchange idea! Had a good laugh at "stem cells" too! Have a good Hump Day, Jackiesue!

  4. God: You are about to get your wings!

    Me: Teriyaki or Asian Sweet & Hot ?

    God: Both

    Me: Toss a few extra on and grab a seat! Bud or Nattie Light ?

  5. Vivian, we have Czech food, German food and 3 Amigo's Mexican food. Which is California bland. Sucks bites and blows. They do make a good baracho bean soup, but that's about it..
    Pam I have blocked over 20 different phone numbers of people trying to sell me car insurance...they just buy another block of numbers. Makes me want to buy imaginary bullets for my imaginary gun...
    Debra I thought stem cell one was so smart.
    AZ, I'm pretty sure there aren't wings waiting for me any where.

  6. I have to have that cat Disneyland meme. Too good to pass up.

  7. Happy Hump Day! Thanks for the Hallmark movie one--we can't even drive in the rain. Fight nights at Food Lion and the local IGA.

  8. ain't it cute Leanna?
    Valerie. That's Texas when it drops below 50


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