Saturday, December 26, 2020

I have a new's a cromebook? or something like it's different

so bear with me..Takes a while for me to find shit and figure out how to work it and download and know..

 well fuck a's backwards again..allllllll of my images are there..even the ones I deleted and and I can't find delete on this motherfuckingcromebookwhatteverthefuck it is..I'm old can't remember from day to day what I've posted and what I have am I supposed to figure out which one of these I posted 3 months ago..mother fucker..I may just have to do yellowdog granny on my old laptop..can I start drinking now? 


  1. Maybe there's some Chromebook tutorials on YouTube? I know you'll figure it all out eventually, Jackiesue!

    All of the Middle Age Riot ones are brilliant and accurate, as always! Whoever writes those is great!

  2. Hope you had a great Christmas! Thanks for posting, even if it didn't turn out like you wanted. You'll get it.

  3. Was feeling a bit blue, dear Jackie sue

    But you gave me a laugh.


    Happy New Year Love...happy and waaaay better than what's come before.

  4. good idea debra..I sent them a wtf help memo.maybe they'll reply.
    valerie, yeah, I'm stubborn, I'll figure it out.
    Rocky D. you are more than welcome to shoot me a email if you have a need to talk..hope you are feeling better..just have positive thoughts of a better year.

  5. Hang in there, you're doing just fine... I'm Tech Challenged too and I always have a little meltdown at first and then once it clicks, I know I'm better off with my newfangled whateverthefuck it is the Adult Grandkids insisted I needed as an Upgrade. *winks*

  6. Its not you!!! The new Chromebook-whatever-the fuck it is comes with the new updated blogger platform, which is making everybody batshit crazy.
    Now you can have a drink...

  7. Screaming animal? I'd like to say "the BEAR" yeah! But probably the possum. Aggressive if cornered but otherwise quiet and non assuming.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to