Thursday, December 31, 2020

I'm so ready for 2020 to be in my rear view mirror..



  1. Ah, great ones! Insane, no, just quirky with a twist! I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve. Wishing you all the best things in 2021.

  2. Yeah, 2020 was a BITCH of a year. Let's hope 2021 is much, much better! Happy New Year, Jackiesue! Thanks for all the laffs this year, we sure needed them!

  3. Cupcakes, for EVERYONE !

  4. I stole the cat meme and the one about sneaking into 2021. Too good to pass that up. Great post. I sent it to David to see.

  5. Valerie, I will do my usual new years eve celebration...ass in recliner, Barry's tea at my side and remote in my hand. Channel surfing.. best to you for the new year.
    thanks Debra. Glad you enjoyed my year of wtf's and omg's.
    az, you know that's not a bad idea.
    Steal away Leanna...

  6. Hoping for an excellent 2021 for you JackieSue!!!!!!


  7. Take the Resolute Desk out and get it fumigated. Everything else gets stripped to the joists and burned on the East Lawn.

  8. wonderful post
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