Monday, January 04, 2021

bored? well I'm so bored

 that I noticed whenever I got up from my recliner that I farted. So I'm been sitting her thinking if I sat here long enough would the gas build up enough for me to just blow my ass out of the chair and how long would I actually have to sit to build up enough gas and if I'd have to pee first..

                anybody good with math help me with this?


  1. My wife says it depends on how much cauliflower rice you eat. Her math says it would take about 3/4 lbs. dry weight.

  2. blog fodder..on lockdown.
    ok, Fernando, tell her that won't work, I don't eat enough cauliflowered rice ..ask her about beans and broccoli.

  3. These deep questions pondering the inscrutable mysteries of life are far, far beyond my poor mental capabilities, Jackiesue. Sorry! But send a postcard from wherever you end up, eh?

  4. Debra, I'm pretty sure it would get me to Tokio(not Tokyo) which is about 15 miles down the road.

  5. Wow, hadn't expected YOU to be writing about
    fartical fizzikz ;-)

  6. phat stu...I talk about everything...even my hemorrhoids, leaky bladder, false teeth, hearing aids and lack there of, of my sex life.

  7. I don't remember the formula for figuring out the force needed from your fart to help propel you out of the chair. We figured it out once in college, but we were too young and inexperienced to be able to develop that much pressure. This problem can now be revisited, but my math skills have waned.

  8. you think we need a slide rule.???


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