Sunday, January 17, 2021

impeach, convict and jail the fucker



  1. The hard way is the way I always tried first


    ps Love your site, Keep it up

  2. That one about "cancel culture" simply being "consequences" is spot on. And "Dances-With-Karens" hahahaha! I like "pussy hats vs dickheads" too.

  3. The last one is painfully true.

  4. crap I thought this was scheduled for Monday, but forgot to do pretend this is Monday and this is the post. Will have another one for Tuesday..
    thanks Lin and the hard way is my modus operandi.
    Debra I'll take pussy hats over dickheads any day.
    ain't that the truth Nan?

  5. I just sent a comment over email because your blogger kept rejecting it. Seems fine now, but I repeat: I am most affected by Manuel Oliver's sculpture. Brava.

  6. Oh the last one is painfully true! All of them are spot on today!

  7. Impeach, convict, jail - yes to all. In addition - CALL ALL LOANS PAYABLE IMMEDIATELY. Or lose every golf course, every hotel, every country club, every house, spit of land, and all the wife's stuff! Do you think there is still debtors workhouses somewhere???


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to