Wednesday, January 20, 2021

since I got you all over the hump

 I think I'll take a break for a few days. But you know how that goes. I may be back tomorrow with good shit. But right now my brain is tired. Still waiting on my MRI apt for my nasty ole brain bad I couldn't get rid of it like we got rid of trump.. Times like this is when I'd like to have a nice cold beer, kick back and say fuck it. Have to settle for a cup of Barry's tea..laters gaters.


  1. Yes, take a few days to rest and enjoy the USA's new administration!

  2. Rest up and take the time to be with family. trump is finally gone so hopefully you should sleep well. It's going to be better Goddess willing for the next 4 years.

  3. And you did a great job of helping us through the past years of chaos! Relax, regroup, and take care!

  4. yeah, I can't even begin to tell you how well I slept last night.oh man..was best sleep ever.

  5. Hey dear! Loved your post and allready followed your blog, i want invite you to visit and follow my blog back <3

  6. I come over here daily to see what you've posted, ma'am. You deserve a break from the never ending meme roundup, and definitely have to consider your health.

    Hope you get test results that make you happy, because your posts make us happy.

    Take care, Jackie Sue!

  7. Take care Jackie Sue! Wouldnt have gotten through the last four years even remotely sane without your page!

  8. Thanks for all the funnies, it really help getting me over the hump. Yesterday was huge. I can finally exhale!!!

  9. You deserve a break! Enjoy the grands and the kitties. Take care!

  10. Take care and hope you will come through alright


  11. I'm getting a lot of sleep...still waiting for mri ...grrrrr.

  12. Echo that - We all -- Democrats, free-thinkers, witches, voters, Patriots, history lovers, activists, truthful Georgians -- saved America. We are in your debt. Now rest--you deserve it.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to