Monday, April 12, 2021

better be good to me Monday...



  1. Happy Monday! I spit out my coffee at "finish each other's sentences." Hope you have a great day!

  2. MAGA evangelicals at the Last Supper -- exactly right, Judases one and all. And Betty White "You missed again, bitch!" hahahahahahaha!

    Thanks, Jackiesue, that got my Monday off to a good start!

  3. Never, ever tell your friends when you arrive at an airport !

    Missed you all ! ! !

  4. Valerie, spitting coffee is a good way to start a week.
    Debra, me and Betty White..hahah..glad you're off to a good start.
    Az, exactly and missed you too...where you been jelly bean?

  5. How refreshing this was! Not one meme of Trump.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. Ol'buzzard I try not to have any with him ..he has his time.

  7. Love the airport sign. Lots of good ones I will steal

  8. My two favorites today....

    1. the train one..... even though I really do enjoy and appreciate Amtrak. I do wish we WOULD develop more of BOTH high speed and normal rail systems nationwide.... such a nicer way to travel compared to air.

    2. The “fundies” being the true betrayer of the real message of faith. Fundies and Republicans both have such a horribly skewed perspective of “me, me, me” instead of looking out for the good of all people.


  9. fodder, I loved the airport sign..
    yeah, Pipe, I'd love to see the high speed and normal rail system developed...I loved riding on train and would travel more it we had that.

  10. Thanks for all of the goodies, Jackiesue. Excellent work as usual. I really, really want to live in a universe where Mitch McConnell isn't allowed to talk.


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