Wednesday, May 26, 2021

hump this



  1. Hahahahaha, quarantine wolves and JFK. Mary Trump's quotation is right on. "Just ask them who won the election" -- brilliant, LOL!

  2. I don't mind doing laundry. I just hate getting it out of the dryer and folding it and putting it away. Recently I've been re-evaluating what needs to be folded and what pony needs to be rolled ito a ball and shoved into the linen closet or sock drawer. Life is sort. Why should I fold undies?

    Another mass shooting, another Wednesday in America. Thanks for the laughs.

  3. Happy Hump day! Why won't Mitch the Bitch just die already? He's a horrible horrible person.

    At any rate, have a great week Miss Jackie Sue!

  4. Debra, Mary trump has her shit together.
    Vivian, that's why I had kids was to do the laundry. I do a kickass fold and shove of my fitted sheets.. Yup, we're out of quarantine so the shootings will start up again.
    Valerie, there are a shit ton of those assholes I'd like to see go away and die...
    I'm over the what ever the fuck I had and now I'm resting from all the resting.

  5. Only one picture of Trump. Remember the days when every other meme would have been about the asshole. There is an improvement in our lives.
    the Ol'Buzzard


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