Friday, May 21, 2021

cough, hack, sneeze, pee, repeat.



  1. Great lineup of LOLs, Jackiesue! Feel better soon -- did you catch a cold from the GGs?

  2. no, it's the twice annual allergy attack..turns into asthma ...fucking rain...every day or every 2 days or more.

  3. I especially love the one about the guy with the glasses. So good!

  4. Awesome as usual! As for winging it--hum a few bars and I'll fake it. Have a great weekend.

  5. finally did a virtual drs apt with cujo and he prescribed me some steroids and perls for my cough...I feel like hammered shit y'all.

  6. I really appreciated the Hitler/Trump meme and the mankind/nature meme!!!!

    Your asthma kicks up when it rains? That would be really rough in my area. Allergy induced asthma is nothing to sneeze at (pun was NOT intended.... but then I realized it was a pun). I hope the steroids help. I am not sure what perls are though.... but hope they help too!

    Hah.... like you.... I am more pleased about keeping my running going. It is hard, but it feels good to me to push through. My pipe abstaining..... meh.... no real joy in it.... but I figure I SHOULD keep going..... but it would be easy as hell to convince me to give that abstaining up.


  7. We need an investigation to identify the members of the House and Senate that aided the insurrection. Hope you feel better.
    the Ol'Buzzard


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