Friday, June 18, 2021

count down till GG summer.



  1. What's the first rule of the demon uprising? NEVER TALK ABOUT THE DEMON UPRISING! Ha-HAH! Loved all of these--hope you have a great weekend

  2. Hmmm - republicans and logic - whats the word? oh yes oxymoron. And spending $$ on a wall - aarrrggghhh!!

  3. valerie...that's week...need to get my rest.
    Texas is beginning to piss me off

  4. Hahahahaha, yes, THE STRUGGLE is real!

    And what a powerful graduation photo indeed. And that tweet from Full Dissident -- POW!

    "The Demon Uprising of 1980" -- I was there!

  5. The Dems do not want progress, they want to maintain the status quo and blame the Republicans. No tax money from hard working honest whites should benefit Black and Brown people. It's not just a republican thing


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