Wednesday, June 09, 2021

rainy day Wednesday sonofabitch



  1. Haha! Such good ones today!

    My favorite.... the 6% of scientists being Republican...... and I think damn near all of them are chemists!!!! As a biologist, I interact with most all the scientists at my U and at least here the only Trumpers are some of the chemists.

    The other favorite today is the blue MAGA hat!!!!! I’d be willing to wear one of those..... but I’d be a bit nervous people from far away wouldn’t be able to see the great phrase underneath..... and would presume it was a damn Trump MAGA hat.


  2. The blue MAGA hat! Love it! And Middle Age Riot is hitting all cylinders today!

  3. Pipe Tobacco- MAGAt hats are red, so you'd probably be in the clear.

    Thanks Jackie Sue! Yes, I'll probably be reincarnated as me again--no other body would have me! Have a great week!

  4. One is so good you should post it twice...oh wait you did....never mind.... hehehehehe


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