Friday, July 23, 2021

thank the Goddess it's Friday.


                                                 dicks in space.


  1. Weekend Wednesday! Pestilence and the anti-vax meme! Folksinger Covid! And that last one of the Holy Spirit! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Have a great weekend, Jackiesue!

  2. 2 weeks to go..and I'll be out of facebook jail...I'm tempted to tell them to go fuck them selves..grrrrr....Texas weather last winter killed 700 it's not like it was a lie...

  3. TGIF indeed! I think I have terminal swamp ass with the weather we're having here! The hypocrisy of the FAUX news anchors is appalling. They've been vaccinated for months. :-( have a great weekend Jackie Sue!

  4.'s 73 here and humidy is 95....fuckme.

  5. I was hoping you had LESS than two weeks. FB has absolutely NO consistency in their sentencing. I report trolls who use the same words I get put in jail for, but THEY say it doesn't go against their frigging standards. See you back soon - if I am not in jail. But if so - I can still read your posts

  6. Tip of the day, yep.
    Pretty much everything else, yep. I have, at work, said things without hanging up the phone completely. OOOPs.

  7. grandmak ...12 days left.yeah, when I said white people were stupid ..a bunch of people said it too to see what would happen...nothing...absolutely nothing.
    Rainwolf..I also sent a email to the wrong person and it was about them..and not good..hahahah

  8. I liked the one about the back the blue flag. I'm getting tired of seeing that flag every time i go to town.
    Don't misunderstand, i am a citizen and i support my country.
    All they say when they show that flag is this- I am a fool who worships trump. My only source of information is television. I am the one who says fuck your feelings because trump is Jesus annointed blessing on y'all dirt people.
    That is how i feel when i see that ugly flag.
    It is offensive and it is not American.

  9. Richard, you are so correct.. right now I'm watching the officers giving testimony...I'm crying...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to