Friday, July 09, 2021

this has been my morning..

 GG... what? GG... what? GG ...what? GG ...what? endlessly.. so I switched it up..

GG....Dylan...GG....Dylan...GG...Dylan....GG ...Dylan. 

GG... GG..GG..GG..GG... Dylan what do you want? ...GG...GG..GG.. 

aaaaaaaaaaaaal flipping morning...finally he looked at me and said  'your not mama.'...


  1. he is soooo full of it.. he's been a little sick and makes him very clingy. And cuddly. Which is nice. He's better today...he set Jamie's robo vacuum loose without us knowing and freaked out the dog and cat and scared the crap out of me and Abby. He thought that was extremely funny.

  2. I remember DS would do that Mom...What? Mom...What? (repeat about 10 times) then Mom!...WHAT!?...Hi there was some cartoon character that would do that. At least Dylan isn't calling everything stupid, as yet another cartoon character did - that got cartoon channel banned for quite a while. Dylan's a cutie!

  3. justgail oh no, stupid is a bad word..

  4. Just found out you're in the pound. So sorry. My blog is up again, but family doesn't know anything yet.

  5. send me your blog addy Rainwolf...I've missed you...I'm always in the fucking pound..I said Texas weather will kill you...sigh**


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to