Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday Morning ........yuck!



  1. Lotsa good ones this morning, YDG, but my fave is the conspiracy theory about cats!

  2. Great line-up Jackie Sue. Keep that Seadoo throttle pegged and stay out ahead of the red buoys, I mean boys.

  3. Solid blog this morning. Thanks, JackieSue, I've had a good laugh and now I think I can handle whatever craziness is going happen win the net 24 hours.

  4. Thanks, desperately needed that smile this morning. Caren

  5. For years, I've been wanting to fire the housekeeper, chef, and gardener for insubordination, sassy back talk, and general poor performance of duties. We'll not talk about wanting compensation for workplace injuries. Hiring replacements is not in the cards, so I keep telling myself I'm irreplaceable. It's working less and less often.

  6. “The fuck you are”, cracks me up!

  7. Debra? cats know our shit and refuse to let us get buy with it.
    Boddy D...I'm always in front of the tide...
    Vivian I hope it last more than the one day...
    Caren, I hope to always put that smile on your face.
    JustGail, your irreplaceable here at ydg...
    Genevieve, and ain't it the truth..

  8. Thank you for these, great huntress of memes! And many other things no doubt.

  9. Two great ideas:

    First idea: Our cats (or dogs) taking embarrassing pictures of their humans, our dogs could do that , too, but most of them are too busy trying to get their human's attention and petting.

    Second idea: Me firing myself from housekeeping, oops, it looks like
    I already did, maybe a long time ago.

  10. aaah, thanks unknown.
    Susie..cats are smarter than dogs..dogs are to needy


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