Monday, October 04, 2021

I'm so tired I'm left handed..

 after a month I had all 3 of the gg's this weekend. It's 10 o'clock Sunday evening and I can barely hold my head up. I slept with Dylan and 2 balls, a truck and Opus. Sleeping with Dylan is like sleeping with a cement mixer. Little fucker is all over the place. We played games, cheated and tried to stay out of trouble. We watched Gremlin's. Then we left to go get McDonald's and then go to the park. We stepped outside and Dylan  covered his eyes, staggered around and said 'Oh no, bright lights.'...Then because I had forgot and told them we'd go to Pizza House he's sitting in backseat in a low voice. 'Pizza house, pizza house pizza house.' I said what? He looked pitiful and said 'you promised to take me to the Pizza House so I could play kiddy slots.'...Kiddy slots is what I call the little machines that you feed quarters into and you get candy or cheap shit made in China. So while we're in McDonald's and I'm ordering our lunches (we all have our masks on) he starts fake coughing over and over. I asked Abby what the hell is he doing? she grinned and said he's pretending he has covid.  I have a 3 foot list of smart ass shit those 3 came up with this weekend. I'm so proud.

anyhow. That's why there isn't much on this post. Didn't have time to gather memes. 


  1. Sounds like you had a great time with the grands! Thanks for the great line up today--hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. That Dylan is a real little wiseguy! Cheating at cards, playing the kiddie slots -- you've taught him well.

    Love the rabbits and their plans for that severed hand! That one about the whale oil industry is right on.

  3. Valerie I had a great time. They are a bunch of wiseass funny kids, who like to say fuck until I finally say, ok, that's enough..
    Debra, he's such a clown. he likes to chew stuff and then open his mouth to show me what his food looks like. I have a feeling he'd like the rabbit meme is he was old enough to get it.

  4. So many good ones, but my fave has to be the rabbits!

  5. Yes. You are amazing.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. well Tundra Bunny............I would think so...hahah
    O'buzzard...ahhh thanks sweetie.

  7. I remember sleeping with a little cement (2 books, three stuffed animals, and a doll or two) mixer a time or two. Usually I just got up around 130am and finished the night in a recliner. You are amazing! Thank you!

  8. Happy Friday Eve, Jackiesue. Middle Age Riot always makes me chuckle. Thanks for the much needed laughs today. Take care of yourself.

  9. Pam..he was pretty funny about wanting to sleep with Opus...think he just liked saying it. O Pus O Pus ..he makes me laugh.
    Howdy mr Shife yes, middle age riot is just the best...we all need laughs today and every day..kiss the kiddies for me.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to