Friday, October 01, 2021

thunder/ lightning ...very very frightening...fuck..Friday



  1. Isn't it nice, though, that there are fewer Trump memes out there? That's because, slowly but surely, ever so slowly, he is becoming irrelevant. That's my October wish: that he fades away, doing 20 years in a federal penitentiary.

    I have a sick cat at h one and I can relate to cat is 17 years old but turns into a lion if you get near her with medicine. I have the claw marks to prove it.

    Happy Weekend, everyone.

  2. TGIF!! What a week--love the cats, and "no longer welcome at the aquarium." I hope you have a great weekend! Happy October!

  3. OMG! That Satchel of Richards is so funny. David nearly lost it when I read it to him. I also stole the Hercules meme that did it for me.

  4. "Fuck off" backwards in an Irish accent -- LOL! And thanks for the tip on how to go to Valhalla!

    That tweet about Jeff Bezos and "perspective" is right on.

    Divorced or married to Groot? Hahahahahahaha! Hercules trying to give his cat a pill, LOL!

  5. Mona Lisa's cat looks so content! Love it! Happy Friday

  6. Snorf! Hercules giving his cat a pill - so true. And much more truth in the one about Bezos, the 622,000, the missing women, and what the Rs want us to forget. I really need to study some Shakespearian wording, at least by the time most people figure out what I mean, I'd be out of the parking lot.

  7. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! The MAGA clone car, Mona Lisa's cat, and the 2021 Halloween decoration are my faves -- thanks for the Friday belly laughs!

  8. My fave today is "Please pay your parking fee before existing". Keep up the good work. We need all the laughs we can get.

  9. Vivian, I'm really trying to keep the trump memes off ydg...there is enough weird shit going on without him...rather the a cat medicine is the second most dangerous job there is. and the aquarium ...can't go anywhere any more.
    Leanna..I knooooooow..a satchel full of richads...hahahaah
    Debra..fuckoff..backwards..made me laugh sooo hard.
    Dee, yeah, that cat explains her smile.ha
    justgale..bezos is a richardhead.
    tundra..we all need the laughs.
    VickieA..yup..laughs are better than oh fucks any day

  10. Thanks these are great. I'm still in recovery, but slowly and surely we are still here.

  11. Trying to give cats a pill. I can identify with that.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  12. richard? you ok?
    ol'buzzard..dangerous duty


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