Friday, October 15, 2021

tip toe right up until its Friday...then slide right into that bitch.



  1. Happy Friday, YDG! I am totally the person who would laugh in a serious situation if a friend made eye contact. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I like the reasons why Halloween is the best holiday! It's a good thing that Shakespeare didn't know the expression "Aw, shit," LOL!

    Have a good weekend, YDG! Thanks for all the LOLs this week!

  3. Hot or cold today? Yes - pretty sure it's shorts during the day and long pants this evening! Tomorrow? Start with jeans, change to shorts, back to jeans.

  4. “ I’m super tired!” LOL! Thanks for giving us a great week. Now you have a great weekend.

  5. Valerie..I don't know how many times I've had to say 'hey, up here, my eyes are up here.'..ahah
    Debra..oh man, I loved the ah shit one.
    pam, shorts, long sleeve shirts, shorts, jeans, parkas, shorts..another week in Texas.

  6. Ah shit. We are still fixated on Trump.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. "We need to talk about the elephant in the womb!" sums it up nicely. Lots of funny memes in your Friday line-up -- thanks, YDG!

  8. thanks Genevieve..and plan on it.
    Ol'buzzard..because the fucker isnt going away.
    Tundra..there is a ton of men in our wombs..ugly bastids.


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