Monday, March 21, 2022

Holy fuckme..Monday.


                              Slovacek's here in West


  1. Happy Monday! Hope you have a great week. The Kyle Rittenhouse one was particularly spot on. And yes, I think my face is starting to freeze into the Lily Munster expression.

  2. I like the different expressions for rain, LOL! "Turner Brown," LOLOL! Robert Reich is right about what is the "real" moral crisis of our age. "We all have the same 24 hours" makes a very valid point.

    You've got the week off to a good start, Jackiesue, thanks!

  3. Most certainly we all do not have the same 24 hours. I don't think I make that face about action vs prison but I do have to remind myself of my husbands warning - "You won't like prison". Right.

  4. You're off with a bang this week! I captured a few but the one that resonated was gay religion. Perfect!

  5. I'm sorry, but that one from Branco can fuck RIGHT off. He's a right-wing prick of an illustrator who needs his ass kicked.

  6. RandomTroll
    The Branco comic made me feel like Lilly Munster...

  7. That last one with Lily. That is me everyday when I come across a stupid republican trying to pick a fight over me wearing my mask in public.

  8. Valerie..yeah, I don't look good in orange.
    Debra, Turner Brown just cracked me up.
    Pam..then I get to bunk, free eats? maybe prison isn't such a bad idea.
    Ricko..isn't that a great idea?..hahah.
    Wibble, yeah, but he was right on with this cartoon.
    anonymous..can't go wrong with Lily's face..
    Leanna..ain't that the truth...

  9. “A hard working dad “ LOL Love it

  10. See, there's the problem with it: private corporations aren't bound by the First Amendment - only the government. What HE's mad about is those private corporations stifling and muzzling right-wing hatespeech. If they were censoring people like you and me, he'd be all for it, and he's said as much.

    THAT's why his fork-tongued ass can Fuck Right Off.


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