Wednesday, April 06, 2022 changes



  1. I read all the comments on yesterday's post -- I hope you are able to get a sedated MRI soon, Jackiesue! Sounds like you pulled something in your neck maybe or maybe arthritis? Whatever is causing your pain, it sounds horrible! Hang in there!

    Thanks for still providing us with great meme posts despite your pain!

  2. Debra..almost didn't do today's post...painful to type. if Friday doesn't show it's because of the pain...

  3. I admire you for giving us your best in spite of your pain. I hope you get that MRI very soon! Take care.

  4. Oh dear, I hope you get relief from your pain soon! Take care, dear Jackie Sue.

  5. Please feel better soon, Jackie Sue. You're a much needed reminder there are still good people (and that Lindsey Graham really is a worthless piece of shit).

  6. @ The David Axerod comment, I live in Montreal, did have a colon surgery for a cancer tumor. Been followed also for my diabetese and all I have to pay is «$0» for any doctors consultations, hospital for the surgery and even any scans of RX.

    We have universal health care system for decades.

    Now I'm on public medicare provided by my provincial government as its a provincial competency. So what I have to pay from my income report every year is like $51/month.

    My 4 prescriptions a month never goes over $87.

  7. Forgot to say that here in Canada pot il legalized and I can go in a pot store like a liker store to get any kind of pot of CBD stuffs.

    Here in province of Québec we have state owned liker stores and the same for pot stores too. SQDC is the sign to go to.

  8. Jiel.. I usually get almost immediate care from my dr and referrals .don't know what the hold up is...I wish Texas had medical son smokes and has edibles(not legal) and I keep forgetting to ask him about getting me some.
    wish America had Canadian heath guys rock..

  9. I hope the MRI gave answers and solutions.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to