Wednesday, April 20, 2022

what a week.....fuck its only Wednesday

                                           I always forget the hieroglyph



  1. So many things to pass around! Have a great day!

  2. "The sage is working," LOL! And YES, inflation and profits GO HAND IN HAND. It needs to be understood.

    And I confidently predict that tanning testicles will result in the same sunburn fiasco as tanning assholes. Remember that fad, LOL?

    That John & Yoko photo says it all!

  3. yes I remember the tanning assholes...then they were bleaching them...'member that Debra..yea, that John and Yoko does...say it all.

  4. "Judas you forgot your hat!" and "No one can steal your thunder..." are my daily double !

  5. Got one for ya Granny...

  6. And yes you are the fucking storm! We never miss your post
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. gary...mine too..
    Jimmy T...omfg..what the ever loving fuck??????
    thanks to you both ol'buzzard..

  8. Dear Jackiesue, Your posts humanize the posture of current events. They make me laugh, gasp, ponder and recognize the manufacture of inhumanity. What you are doing is helping us understand. Thank you --and again, Brava!

  9. Just a couple of thoughts - Tucker Carlson has way too much time on his hands; Man made disaster which can be fixed - for god sakes TX people get out and vote; and finally - I think I've actually had that message pop up when trying to put in a new password - it's the virgin blood that's a problem. Thank you Jackiesue!

  10. Dear geo..........thank you so much for your kind words...they mean so much..
    Pam, yeah, virgin blood is damn near impossible to find any more..haha

  11. I hope your week is getting better.
    Thanks as always for the laughs with your wonderful memes.

  12. When your higher self has heard enough?
    Love it!

  13. same ole same ole Mr shife..
    Marcia, yea ...feel the same way.

  14. I love all of these, especially the storm one. And has anyone told Carlson that UV light causes skin cancer? On second thought, don't. Have a great day, Jackie Sue!

  15. me too Valerie..and I always aim to have a great day..


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