Friday, May 13, 2022

Fucking near forgot it's Friday


                                                              and again...Debra



  1. Surgically implanting a hemorrhoid -- exactly right! And loved the Anti-Choice Bake Sale!

    Yes, that Carpenters pun -- GROAN! As for the De Brie one -- DOUBLE GROAN!

  2. So much upsetting stuff in the world. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh, boy, it IS Friday. How did that happen?:-D Loved them all Jackie Sue. I desperately want the 7 deadly sins t-shirt! Have a great weekend!

  4. The pro-choice and anti-religion memes are so good that I had to steal them.
    Have a great weekend, darlin.

  5. Friday, almost the middle of May already!?!?! and the 13th. Oh. Yay.
    The only good things today so far - found some formula for GD, the flowers that went on sale were not picked over yet, and of course some giggles and observations/truths from you.
    Carpenters class, just begun... De Brie scattered... Bwahahahahha!!!

  6. So many good ones in today's line-up: the de Adder cartoon, peeled oranges, the real 7 deadly sins. The surgically implanted hemorrhoid gave me the biggest laugh though AND a narrowly-avoided coffee spit-take! Have a great weekend, YDG!

  7. My elf drinks way too much LOL. Gotta keep an eye on him every minute. As usual thank you so much for the great ponderings and Chuckles!

  8. Explain hte Star Trek joke to me please.

  9. Well, god forbid someone would get orange peeling on their fingers! Ugh, peeled oranges in plastic containers. Someone has too much time. Also, getting older? Yep, pictures of the garden AND looking for birdseed!

  10. debra, this groan is for you...
    Rick I keep saying..we're fucked.
    Valerie, I'd like that tshirt too..I'm resting from having Abby and Dylan for 2 days and nights...wore my old ass out..
    Leanna, yeah, I try to be careful with the anti religion memes as I don't want to piss people off..not that that's bothered me before.
    Gail, glad you found some formula for gd..someone said to go to amazon and change home from America to Canada and you can find all you want..
    Bunny, yeah, I loved the hemorrhoids joke...
    Beth, my elf is still in rehab since the 80's's the carpenters group and it's only just begun is the title of a number one hit for them.
    pam...the orange peeling one just blew my mind...

  11. so many gems here! so glad I stopped by

  12. Thank you for doing this. It is a public service and i appreciate these opinions very much.


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