Monday, May 30, 2022

I'm not sure I deleted all the memes from last post so if there are duplicates? sigh***



  1. "America -- Land of Gun Care and Health Control" -- sheesh, doesn't that sum it up in a nutshell! And yes, take the goddamn "sticks" away.

    Your final two memes both gave me big LOLs!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I knew you would find a little bit of energy left to do this. I have some memes you might like. If you want them let me know and I'll email them to you.

  4. more fucking sticks.
    send them Leanna send them.I have just used up the last of my energy..

  5. Some good ones here. The one with the children at St Peter's Gates is a heartbreaker.

  6. So much sadness that didn't have to be. Damn NRA and their repugliKKKan enablers! Being salty is one of the things I like about you. Take care and rest up.

  7. so true true..
    Rick it makes me want to cry and be sick.I am really going to rest.

  8. Lots to think about here, Miss Jackie Sue. But that last one, I laughed out loud. Yes indeed, that sounds about right. Have a good week.


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