Friday, May 20, 2022

it's Friday...or Sunday or one of those days..



  1. Love you, see you every other day, thank you for what you do.

  2. Oh my, so many good ones! Loved the Johnny Depp one! And the "Ken doll in the wind"--I'm still giggling. Have a great weekend!

  3. So many good memes to pass along to the world. I especially liked the very last one.

  4. Fantastic way to end the week! Great collection!

  5. Being taught to fear witches and not those who burned them alive -- precisely. That's how any fascist group operates. Fear the victims, not the perpetrators.

    The "great replacement" statues are exactly right too, as is the "brain replacement" meme.

    Thanks for all the great memes and LOLs this week, Jackiesue! Have a great weekend!

  6. well anonymous I love you right back..and you're welcome.
    Valerie..I loved the Ken doll in the wind so much.
    Rick, pass them on...and you know I loved the last one.
    thanks Ran...and wait till next week..oh my ..some good ones

  7. You always brighten my day with at least one meme that makes me laugh out loud at my desk. Thank you! Have a great weekend and stay cool!!
    Closet Optimist

  8. The reason we have the Second Amendment is slavery...those 'well-regulated militias' were slave patrols. So not so much Great Replacement, just exposing their original costumes..

  9. thanks so much rock my world..
    Bruce..ain't it the truth..

  10. Hi, Jackiesue. I'm back enjoying your blog. AS always many laughs, groans and tears of rage

  11. "I waited it out unless I thought I was going to die"

    Story of my life...

  12. There is no intelligent life on earth. Expect the worst and you won't be disappointed. We are fucked.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  13. That last one, wow. Guess a lot of us guys deserve it though!

  14. anonymous...yeah, little harsh..but we love you furry dudes..


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