Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Wednesday. Or a poke in the eye with a number 2 pencil?

                                                           they probably bought it for him.

                                                        for the love of Women..

                                          or another word for sperm.



  1. Love the public cervix announcement! And that last one is about as outdoorsy as I get too.

  2. Right! That is exactly what women want - especially the dragons - fire breathing dragons!

  3. debra, yeah, my idea of roughing it is leaving my pillow at home.
    Pam...everyone needs a dragon...just ask my gg's.

  4. Sooo many good ones! The Rush Limbaugh one made me smile.

  5. SU-WEET! OH my gosh--ovaries and rosaries, and what women want (but where's the never-ending wine glass?), and yes, I threw people like MGT out of my bars, too. Plus, I myself, am as outdoorsy as fuck! Have a great week, Ms. Jackie Sue!

  6. made me laugh out loud.
    Valerie...I threw out the entire republican party out of my bars...

  7. Jackiesue, Roe and Carlson will keep you in memes for a long time


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