Monday, June 20, 2022

humor in death notice..

 so when I had my heath scare I want you to know I had my priorities in place. My first thought was 'fuck...who's going to carry on yellowdoggranny for me?'...............and you know what I came up with ? I think she'll have to go with me..Leanna and Susan know how to do everything here...they can write her obit...I love you sonsabitches.


  1. I had no idea there are "heaths" in Texas ... I am so sorry it gave you such a scare! Glad you were able to get through it! 🤪

  2. Yellowdog Granny will live on in Myth and Legend forever.

  3. YDG, I'm (maybe) a little bit older than you, but the one thing I know for sure is that you can't cut to the front of the checkout line. You just gotta wait your turn...

  4. sorry Marcia I can't spell...hell yes, it scared me.. heart....failure.. fuck that.
    Debra....I'd like that...I'd like that very much. But also would like Jackiesue to be remembered fondly..
    Jimmy T..I hope both our waits are a long time coming.

  5. You know I will do you justice. One hell of a eulogy will appear here on your blog the moment I hear of your demise. But I'll need one of your kids to let me know you passed away. Just give them my email.

  6. While I've only followed your blog for a few months, your posts have never failed to make me laugh. Thanks, YDG!

  7. I hope your scare soon becomes just a faded memory as you live on and on.

  8. Oh gosh! I hate stuff like that happening to people I really, really like.

  9. okay ... but you're not going anywhere soon ... right?

  10. Well damn. I hope we get to enjoy your posts for a good long while yet.
    I'm sure Leanna & Susan will do a right smart job when the time comes. YDG may not go on, but I hope the blog will be left up (locked down against hackers) as an archive of the crap you've called out that's gone on. Local and national, political and not.

  11. trust me y'all....I'm not going anywhere for a long time. knock wood

  12. I am glad you are better I simply love you, your blog is always a bright beacon of sanity in a world of insanity. You scared me, I have not been online in some time, then got a laptop with Window 11S on it, the "S" surly stands for SUCKS! because it's like straight out of an Orwellian world. I could not download Firefox where all my info favorites and such. Then I found out you can turn off 11S and make it just Windows 11. Hope you are doing better! Smile! cause you make everyone that visits your blog slime!

  13. My dad gave me one piece of advice that I never followed; he said - "Son, don't ever grow old."

    At 60 now and I know what he meant every day of my life.

    I am glad that you have risen above this most recent health scare, and I hope you will be around us for a lot longer.


  14. I am also past my sell-by date. I go in for heart catherization on Monday. But, I intend to rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  15. Goddess bless you are in my heart...and O'buzzard? I'm raging right along side of you.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to