Wednesday, June 15, 2022

today.........all questions will be answered..



  1. "I don't give a fuck, starring me" -- love it, LOL! That one about MAGA moms and drag shows is right on. Those two quotations from Robert Reich are absolutely correct. He has clear vision. So does the Secular Confectionist, LOL!

  2. So much good - so much true. Just a comment or so - 1. hot dogs are not sandwiches - they are not even food. 2. Dr. Who RULES! 3. Arm teachers and compel them to fight or else?? This is like, a Twilight Zone tv show right? Not real life.

  3. Terrific lineup today! You covered so many hot topics and included some humor to temper the rough stuff.

  4. OMG! These are great. That last one about men lying had me laughing. It really should be Republicans lying.

  5. I had to send the Jaws meme to my sister--we share a thing for sharks. And so true about the 2024 election. If repugs win, it will be a horror show.

  6. So many good ones today, it's hard to choose favourites, YDG... de Adder's "Devastatingly Effective Weapons" and "Look who is taking a knee" gave me the best belly laughs! It's so nice to see neo-nazi white supremacists on their knees with their hands zip-tied behind their backs for a change, LOL!

    But "tip of the iceberg" --- GROAN!

  7. I really like the Charlie Brown and Snoopy at the top there. Thank you for that.

  8. So much awesome, Jackiesue. Thank you. I love the first one. Snoopy is one smart doggo. And that is the best description of Boebert.

  9. Pam, I agree hotdog is not a sandwich as as Olivia says's not a hotdog without chili and cheese.
    thanks Rick, I try...and last couple weeks it's not been easy.
    Leanna, it cracks me up too..lying liars..
    Valerie if we lose? I'm moving to the place all picked out.a friend of mine who's a Brother lives there and Chicago and he shows such great pictures and comments about how great it is. they kneel..hahahah..ya that's for Debra..she loves puns.
    river you can't go wrong with Snoopy..
    Boebert..who she's really in the soup now..found out she was an escort and the horrors..she fuked Ted Cruz.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to