Friday, July 29, 2022

I am negative...farfuckingout...

which means I just finished up 3 pounds  of taco meat, shit ton of refried beans and a butt load of spanish rice for center tomorrow..I promise to rest Saturday..



  1. Glad you're negative again, Jackiesue! I just got my second booster (4th shot) yesterday. Bit of a stiff arm and I'm grumpy AF, which I'm blaming on that!

    Money for nothing and his chicks for free, GROAN! Oh dear, Josh Hawley DOES look like Miss Hathaway, yikes!

    That first Middle Age Riot meme -- scorcher! And actually, all the rest of them are good too. Biting!

  2. Great news on the negative test. I'd say don't get all ambitious and overdo it too soon but it looks like it's too late for that. But the center will appreciate your work.

  3. I forgot... what did Jane Hathaway ever do to deserve that insult?!

  4. Ok, you're so negative, but in a positive way. I'm sure it was miserable for a few days, or at least that was my experience. Yesterday my wife went to her doctor for her annual visit, and the doctor stated that research indicates that people who recently got Covid were unlikely to get it again for about five months. We'll probably have another booster by then...

  5. Glad you're negative. These were all so good. I had to steal a few.

  6. Great news on the negative test result! Hah-Ha! Loved them all--and yes, the forecast is swamp ass for the next week, or month, or . . .

  7. I, too, am very glad you are negative again! Thanks for the laughs, the groans, and the memes I have to share with my little circle of friends. Have a nice weekend!

  8. debra..having all four of my shots sure did make my covid easier to deal with..really lucky...middle age riot rocks.
    Gail, I'm so hard headed..but the tacos are done and everyone enjoyed them..blogger friends came down and met up at the center and went home with some tacos and kolaches. so that was cool
    Gail, wouldn't she be pissed if she was still alive????
    Leanne, that's ok, I stole a bunch from you last week.
    Valerie..swamp ass...that's such a perfect word for Texas weather.
    Rick, I'm so glad I'm not only negative but other than I'm so fucking tired I'm a 100 percent back to normal..and will do a lot of resting this weekend. after I finish doing a shit ton of laundry.

  9. That "How are you voting this year?" lawn sign almost made me spew my lemonade, LOL! So many good laughs in your post today -- what a great way to start a long weekend -- thanks, YDG!

  10. Hooray for negativity! Well, you know what I mean.
    Ha ha, the doctor says I have to cut out drinking.
    LOVE Queen, "We will, we will, MOCK you"

  11. I'm SHOCKED at the price of insulin in your country!

  12. Negative - good! Stay that way please.

  13. Bunny I strive to please.
    River we're shocked by the price of everything here.
    Pam...somethings will not change.

  14. That negative test feels so good, doesn't it. Hope there is no long term stuff.


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