Friday, August 19, 2022

Crap, I was up all night making bigass salad for the center and plum forgot you guys...sue me.

                                                    that's creepy as shit.



  1. Never considered suing you, but was getting a bit concerned over the late posting. Take care and don't wear yourself out doing good.

  2. I was concerned too! However, it was worth it for all these good memes. The two orange turd behind bars were my favorites.

  3. "Crap, I was up all night making bigass salad for the center and plum forgot you guys...sue me."

    Wellll... O.K., if you insist.
    But the Judge had better award more than meme's if I win!
    (snicker, snicker, snort)


  4. thanks Rad..
    sorry to make you worry Ozma..but I'm good..just scatterbrained.
    I did just do a take the salad to them and came home..leg cramps and didn't want to stand ran home and now I'm resting.
    rick ...all you needed to do was shoot me and email..thanks for caring..
    random're so fucking easy..hahah

  5. That's a helluva nasty ketchup stain! Hahahahaha, love Merrick Garland as "LAWS!" And the list of boxes seized from Trump, LOL -- "Box Labeled Covfefe" is my fave!

    And, oh, that poem by Warsan Shire! A knife in the heart, but so true.

    Was there some big wingding at the Centre today that you were making the bigass salad for? Hope it was fun!

  6. What a great line-up! Florida wins though, a zoo for drunk white people--you nailed it. Hope you have a great weekend

  7. debra..nah, I just either make cook or bake something for every Friday. tacos,enchiladas, macaroni and ham/ or chicken salads, a ton of cheesecakes..what ever it suits me or them..
    Florida and Texas...tied neck and neck..
    I'm resting..this weekend.

  8. I really like the one with all the good things Joe Biden is doing or has already done.

  9. The meme I like best is all of them
    the Ol'Buzzard

  10. HAHA! What a great collection. Most of these had me laughing out loud!

  11. ancient, crumbling, cursed and probably haunted --- yep, true true.

  12. Me too River, me too.
    thanks O'Buzzard..I appreciate it.
    haha, thanks martha..
    ain't that the truth Pam,? haunted for sure.

  13. I'm late in reading them. Counter suit?


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