Wednesday, August 24, 2022

I miss tequila drunks.I was 6 feet tall and a bad mother fucker..

 fuckers did it backwards again...I suggest starting at the end and working up..or not...whatever blows your skirt up..


  1. Brilliant selection today! Thank you for the chuckles!

  2. Hahahahahaha, my fave is Middle Age Riot's tweet to Republican trolls!

  3. God bless margaritas! Just fabulous, Jackie Sue, hope you have a great week

  4. Another terrific batch that will get shared. You really are Solid Gold!

    As for Blogger posting in reverse. I've had that happen. If you just delete the backward one and then create a brand new post, that usually does the trick.

    If not, you can sue me!

    Have a relaxing weekend. The key word is: relaxing.

  5. I had to steal a few because they were too good to pass up.

  6. Three cheers for the Brooklyn Public Library! Public K-12 Schools have taken such a beating for the last 30 years, it's not surprising that large swaths of American voters cannot critically think or judge the quality of their news sources anymore...and that just how the GOP likes it.

    Hope you're safe from all the flash flooding happening in Texas!

  7. bless you Rad, I really appreciate it...I love the sound of laughter..
    Debra..middle age riot is just the fucking best.
    valerie..I really do miss tequila drunks..they always made the best stories.always start out with 'remember the time you went to Mexico and got drunk on nickle shots of tequila and ending up marrying the guy you ending up shooting? yeah, good times.
    Ricky? do what? yeah, fuck that..hahah..
    leanna ..steal away..
    isn't that just the greatest thing for them to do? I wanna hug them.
    we're in central texas so we get the middle of shit..enough rain to make us happy and cool it down for westfest.

  8. The book banning stuff is incredible. I hope there are enough intellectually curious kids to ignore it and reads whatever is banned.

  9. Thank you again 1000 times yellowdoggranny!

  10. Coffee=starter fluid for the morning impaired :)

    Really sad to read about the books in Sarasota and some of the others took the smile off my face too. But overall a great set today.

  11. Allen if you tell a kid he can't? he's going to want to..
    Richard...aaaah, thanks sweetie...
    River..thanks but I think the kids will read it just to spit the schools.

  12. Excellent work as usual, YDG. Thank you for laughs.

  13. thank you mr shife ...wondered where you had been...


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