Friday, August 05, 2022

thank you Goddess it's Friday..

I'm so fucking shopping kicked my I'm going to cheat and just keep you with some lol's and haul ass..



  1. Covid or any illness can take it right out of you, so I hope you can rest more and slowly recover your strength and stamina, Jackiesue! Thanks for hunting down these memes and LOLs today! Faves include the lime wedge, prison deer, holy cow and pee.

  2. These are BRILLIANT! Thank you for the laughs!

  3. Thanks for the morning chuckles. I can sooo relate to the last one! Have a great weekend Jackiesue.

  4. I'm not surprised. Covid has sucked you nearly dry. I know how you feel. Lupus does that to me in the exact same way. I'm heading back to the bedroom to sleep while I can. Goddess save me my body hurts all over. Take it easy when you feel you can. Tell the world to screw it.

  5. Yeah, that last one is so true. Sad when I have to treat myself like a small child and restrict liquids after 8pm so maybe I only get up once a night. At least I haven't gone back so far as wetting the bed though. At least not yet.
    Hope you get over the tired and no-energy crap soon.

  6. The prison deer gave me a good belly laugh this morning, though I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, LOL! Maybe Democrats should change their mascot from a jackass to a prison deer and really make repuglican sphincters tighten all over America....

    Take care of yourself, YDG, and rest up, eh?

  7. thank you very much guys...I was so tired I couldn't sleep..but once I did I had leg cramps all night...but then when I went out? slept till 12:30.still feel like hammered shit, but I have plans to do jack till next Thursday...until then...? nappy nap time...

  8. That last one is me too. Love the Holy Cow :)

  9. Tired seems to be a common symptom at this stage of my life too. I'm cheering for you, Jackiesue. Keep on keeping on.

  10. I will continue to keeping on as long as I can.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to