Friday, October 28, 2022

Fucking Friday is here...get busy



  1. Hahahaha, bonus track on a Yoko Ono album. And that UK/Liz Truss divorce court one made me laugh too. Have a great weekend, YDG!

  2. Whatta lotta good stuff! I especially liked the man in a whiskey barrel. Thanks for the chuckles. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh...Debra I know..bonus track...made me laaaaaaagh..and all th eLiz Truss ones crack me up.
    thanks Ricky....I loved the whiskey barrel one too..we're getting rain the entire I'm going to make some potato soup for 2 of my neighbors who are having health problems..just waiting for a break in the rain so I can go deliver it...or I could just watch Azerbaijan cooking vidos on youtube and take a nap.

  4. Today I saw the news about 82yo Mr Paul Pelosi attacked in his home in San Francisco. What kind of country are you to do such outrageous bad ass actions?

    I wrote this for my two Democrat gay couple friend in Rehoboth Beach as he is also outraged about gun men garding voting mail box.

    « I saw it for those two in Mesa Arizona and I was outraged and flabbergasted to see such «criminal» behavior. NEVER that kind of intimidation could happen here in Canada. Our police officers would arrest them ASAP and put them in jail and those would be in court for a fine and prison time. NO any kind of gerrymandering is allowed in any of our elections. Our elections are under a «Electoral Commitee» and the General Director of Election has NO partisan sides and has to be neutral as our judges on all levels of our court system.»

  5. one here in their right mind condones what they have done..they were arrested and they are in jail and will go to prison. and as far as it not happening in Canada.............go fuck yourself..ask your indigenous and especially their women how they feel about the Canadian laws and how it pertains to them...I repeat...go fuck yourself..people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones....go fuck yourself..
    go peddle that crazy somewhere else...we're all full up here.

  6. I'm off to buy some plastic dinosaurs.

  7. Happy Friday, Jackie Sue! Loved the "men in a whiskey barrel"! And just everything else! Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. River..............ok..
    Valerie I loved that so much..and I'm doing jackshit this weekend. been raining and that's wonderful..we need it and more..

  9. You have no lesson ti give to us for how our ancesters threated the indegenous people. USA did the same if not worse.

    I have friends in USA and one couple is on the Dems side and the other couple are in «Repugs» side. Those for Trump are living in his altern world of lies and are feeding only on Fuck News etc.

    For your comment on me they are sadly in a way that you don't really know me and are misjudging what I'm as a Canadian.

    Our Governement is making laws and is negociating with indegenous people all over Canada to correct the bad things that were done to them.
    Are you doing the same in USA.
    You should be more well inform of what Canada is doing for those first nations.

    I'm not surprised because ALL USA's news networks rarely cross our 4 000 miles border. Even your weather forcasts stop at the border, north and south.
    The feeling that US citizens are just self centered on their navel.

    Friendly yours from Canada (Montreal)

  10. I know one thing come here just to insult the have nothing positive to say..I have a ton of Canaderian friends...who I adore and they don't come here to throw stones. we know we have a common enemy..trump and his supporters...but they don't throw stones at all of us..which you I repeat..go fuck yourself.and there is nothing.absolutely nothing friendly about anything you say when you come here...go fuck yourself.

  11. Maybe as a French speaking guy I don't really know how to tell you that I have no intention to insult you, Americans, but to be more a supportive of the Americans like you and many other sensible ones to know that many Canadians are witnessing all what is going on accross the border.

    Thousands of appologies if I offended you my comments were maybe unclear but never I wanted them to be bad ones.

    Hope the next November 8 election will turn out good.

  12. Jiel, maybe that's it..translation lost in the dialogue did seem like your comments were more on against than we'll give it a do over and I'll quit telling you to go fuck yourself.I get very defensive as trust me us liberals are disgusted and very sad about what is happening to our country..which is why I do ydg...peace?????? love and kisses..


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